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Reliability of Dating:
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Estimated Range of Dating: 80-140 A.D.




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  • Johannes Quasten, Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch (Paulist Press 1946).

Information on First Clement

On the internal evidence for the dating of 1 Clement,Welborn writes (The Anchor Bible Dictionary 24 hour wallpaper 3 12. , v. 1, p. 1060):

The epistle is customarily dated to the end of thereign of Domitian (95 or 96 C.E.). In the firstsentence of the letter, the author explains that theRoman church has been delayed in turning its attentionto the dispute at Corinth by 'sudden and repeatedmisfortunes and hindrances which have befallen us'(1:1). This statement is usually interpreted as anallusion to a persecution through which the church atRome has just been passing. Since chap. 5 speaks ofthe Neronian persecution as something long past, thesporadic assaults of Domitian must be meant. But thelangauge of 1:1 is so vague that one may doubt whetherit refers to persecution at all (Merrill 1924: 160);and the evidence for a persecution under Domitian istenuous (Merrill 1924: 148-73). In letters andspeeches on concord, one often finds an apologeticformula like that which introduces 1 Clement; it wascustomary for one who gave advice on concord to excusehis delay by reference to personal or domestichindrances (e.g., Dio Chrys. Or. 40.2; AeliusAristides Or. 24.1; Socratic Ep. 31).

Laurence Welborn writes about the dating of 1 Clement (op. cit., p. Adobe photoshop cs6 apk download for pc. 1060):

Thus one must rely upon more general statements inthe epistle and in tradition. The account of thedeaths of Peter and Paul in chap. 5 is not that of aneye-witness. The presbyters installed by the apostleshave died (44:2), and a second ecclesiasticalgeneration has passed (44:3). The church at Rome iscalled 'ancient' (47:6); and the emissaries from Romeare said to have lived 'blamelessly' as Christians'from youth to old age' (63:3). Thus the epistlecannot have been written before the last decades ofthe 1st century. There are references to the letterby the middle of the next century in the works ofHegesippus and Dionysius of Corinth (apud Euseb.Hist. Eccl. 3.16; 4.22; 4.23). Thus one may placethe composition of 1 Clement between A.D. 80 and140.

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Loisy maintains that the author of 1 Clement was a distinguished Roman elderwho flourished 130-140 and that this Clement was named in the Shepherd of Hermas(Vision, 8:3), which is also to be dated to the mid second century. Notably, a writing is mentioned in 1 Clement 23:3 in which the challenge is quoted, 'These things wedid hear in the days of our fathers also, and behold we have grown old, and none of these things hath befallen us.' Because this source document for 1 Clement must have been written when the hope of the imminent parousia was waning, and because 1 Clement itself must have dealt with the same issue, the document can scarcely be dated to the time of the first Christian generation. Other indications of lateness include the tradition in chapter 5 that Paul traveled to the extremities of the west (i.e., Spain) and the emphasis on the appointment of 'bishops and deacons' (42:1-5). Most notably, there is stated to be 'a rule of succession' for bishops and deacons who have 'fallen asleep' (44:2). This suggests a second century date for 1 Clement.

Alvar Ellegård has argued for a date as early as the sixties of the first century for a few reasons in his Jesus: the Temple cult is mentioned in the present tense (pp. 38-39), Peter and Paul are mentioned as of 'our generation' (pp. 39-40), and the letter seemed to have been written during a persecution, perhaps that of Nero (p. 40). On the other hand, as is pointed out with Hebrews, a mention of the Temple cult in the present does not prove that the author was writing before 70 CE. The reference to 'our generation' is simply a contrast between the Christian era and the previously mentioned era of ancient Judaism. Finally, the supposed reference to persecution may be a literary device, as pointed out by Welborn. Besides, there were also persecutions under Domitian, Trajan, and other emperors.

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The author writes because certain factions in Corinth have not given proper respect to the bishops and deacons and have set up new leaders in their place. On the occasion of the epistle, Welborn states (op. cit., p. 1059):

Whatever the causes of the conflict in Corinth, moneyseems to have been involved. Contrasting the formerhumility of the Corinthians with the ambition whichhas now given rise to strife, the author states thatthe Corinthians had once been 'satisfied with theprovision (ephodios) of Christ' (2:1). Dionysius ofCorinth, in his letter to Soter, observed that it hadbeen the custom of the Roman church from the beginning'to send contributions (ephodia) to many churchs inevery city' (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 4.23.10). From theRoman point of view of Clement, the younger generationof leaders at Corinth are dissatisfied with theprovision for their church. What role did this playin the revolt against the presbyters? Were theestablished presbyters accused of embezzlement? Didthe new leaders seek another contribution, to replacethe funds their predecessors stole? Polycarp reportsthat the presbyter Valens was deposed from office for'avarice' (Ad Phil. 11). The unrest of the 1st and 2dcenturies almost always had economic causes; and theagreements which brought strife to an end usuallyincluded concrete provisions which served theinterests of all parties.

Some Contemporary Texts

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  • 1 Peter (80-110 A.D.)
  • Epistle of Barnabas (80-120 A.D.)
  • Gospel of Luke (80-130 A.D.)
  • Book of Acts of the Apostles (80-130 A.D.)
  • 1 Clement (80-140 A.D.)
  • Gospel of the Egyptians (80-150 A.D.)
  • Gospel of the Hebrews (80-150 A.D.)
  • Christian Sibyllines (80-250 A.D.)
  • Revelation (90-95 A.D.)

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